Advanced Project Management Essentials

Looking to get into Project Management? Already a Project Manager, but not sure if you're focused on the right things? View this presentation to explore a few frameworks that give us insight into the nature of what we do and how to deliver better results:

  • American education is moving away from the traditional three R’s (reading, writing, and arithmetic) and toward the four C’s (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity). These are the same core abilities that we should be using every day as project managers.
  • Technical skills and industry knowledge alone are no guarantee that we’ll get a job or be able to perform well in it. There are two other sides to the talent triangle: leadership skills and strategic/business management skills. How do we improve these other skills, and why should we bother?
  • Do you know why you were hired? Your career will be held back and slowed down until you can answer this question. As with the talent triangle, just performing the technical requirements of your job will only get you so far.

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